The Map of Lost Places

Editors Sheree Renée Thomas and Lesley Conner are looking for stories about places where weird things happen. Places that have strange histories, their own traditions and customs, their own dangers. These can be based off real folk tales or old wives tales - think the Mothman in Point Pleasant, WV - or ones that you come up with all on your own. But your story should tell of someone going to one of these places - either intentionally or they just stumble across it - and what happens when they encounter the frightening/strange thing that is in or occurs in that location.

In order to avoid duplicates in the open submission call, locations already chosen by the featured authors are listed below. This list will be updated as the authors make their decisions, so be sure to check back!

  • Indiana
  • Monroe, GA
  • Underwater cave in the Caribbean Sea
  • The Forbidden City in Beijing, China
  • Central Pennsylvania
  • Arkabutla Lake in Coldwater, Mississippi



Submissions are closed for The Map of Lost Places

The Map of Lost Places is currently closed to submissions. You cannot submit at this time.